Friday, 18 April 2014


Soooo I think I've decided where I'm going to firm!

I received offers from Newcastle and Nottingham medical schools, but I think I'm going to firm Newcastle.

I went to the Newcastle post-offer day on Wednesday and absolutely loved it - we got to go into the dissection room and hold dissected hearts and lungs, and learn about the thorax. Then, after that, we went into the clinical skills room and attempted to make a heart out of plasticine (very difficult), and then got to see their SimMan and listen to his heart, which they had made sound like it had a defect. After the SimMan, we got to see an F2 demonstrate ultrasound on a student's neck, and we identified a vein and an artery. It was so interesting, and it's made me so excited to start now (as long as I get my grades)! I met some lovely people, and there was a girl there who I'd met at my other interview so that was really good!

I got to speak with loads of students as well, and I could just tell that they all loved the course and the university. I also noticed how well they all knew their stuff - I was so impressed with how they just knew all of their anatomy and observations, and what they could tell us. I'm so excited to know all of that too! And everyone seemed so clever, I could feel my competitive edge coming out as some people knew the answers and I didn't. It's so bad, I need to learn not to be so competitive, especially at medical school. Everyone's going to be so clever so it'll be difficult!

It's motivated me more to start revising, as it all just feels so real now!


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