Friday, 5 July 2013

Results Day

I am absolutely terrified for results day, and that is genuinely not an exaggeration. I don't remember being this scared for GCSEs, so why for AS?! I guess maybe it's because they count for more and my offers are based on these.

I keep over thinking my exams far too much, especially Biology Unit 1 which just went terribly (if you take Edexcel Biology you'll understand)! And I didn't really have any exams that I came out of saying "I aced that". So all in all it's absolutely terrifying.

I'm super competitive as well, so if I do badly and then someone does better than me, I won't be happy for them, I will be enraged! It's quite a bad trait to have in that respect, but very useful when it comes to school because it means I work hard.

Also, last year I constantly had dreams about failing all of my GCSEs, so I'm just waiting for those nightmares to come back again!

Plus, to make things worse, I'm actually on holiday on results day. And we don't get our results until 1pm, so I have to get my grandma to pick them up from me. And also, I'm on holiday with loads of other people getting their AS results, and they'll get theirs in the morning and I'll have to wait until the afternoon!

I think the thing I'm most scared of is just getting "average" grades because I won't know what to do. Will I take a gap year? Apply anyway? Retake? Not apply for medicine? There are so many options! And I'll make sure to address those in another post.

So all in all just a little rant about results day. I reeeeally hope that everybody gets what they want, even if it is a while away!

And with that, I'll leave you with this:

 (correct at time of posting!)

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